Monday, February 11, 2013

Newborn Photography

I photographed this sweet baby girl at home a few months ago. She is an exact replica of her big sister! Little missy started out a little cranky, but once she laid on the little bed she was perfectly content!

Monday, February 4, 2013

RAM truck Superbowl commercial

After watching the Super Bowl last night I kept thinking about the "Paul Harvey Dodge Ram Truck" commercial. It's quite obvious why I enjoyed the commercial. If you have not seen it you can click here . The imagery is beautiful, and of course Paul Harvey "THE" conservative radio broadcaster does an excellent job. However, after thinking about it so much, I realized. I tried to portray a picture with the same meaning.  But it was a mechanic....My father. I took a portrait of his hands when I was in photo school at Georgia State.
 My father is a diesel mechanic and has been for some 40 years now. His hands have always looked, some would say rough, but to me they are hard working.................... In public at the grocery store, bank, and restaurants I tend to notice "these hands" and I know exactly what they do. ..... I respect it.

 "It had to be somebody who'd plow deep and straight...and not cut corners."

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Pet Photography

I have two kitty catz that I absolutely adore!......... They are crazy! One is literally (she is on med's now, so all is good) her name is Lucky. I found her in a field about 7 years ago and she was no bigger than a pack of cigarettes. She is still a very small yet round kitty. Frank, or "Frwanksta" I like to call him, is TROUBLE.... always! When there is a fly in the house I have to guard the lamps, because he WILL get it if it is the last thing he does. He is a very well noticed fluffy, vocal, biting Main coon. Yes, I very shamefully have to lock him up when guests are over, but believe me he does have a very sweet side.